It's amazing how low some of these prices are. It's also amazing that considering the fine state of some of the homes bordering these for sale, that no one has chosen to invest in these in any way shape or form. Below the list of those for sale, I have provided some random shots of representative examples of homes that border the ones listed for sale. See below for more details.
1490 Chelsea 38107 $1,490
This location is 3 miles from Rhodes College and about a mile from St. Jude. To hit a main artery, North Parkway, you leave this address and go east where you take a right on Manassas and arrive at the intersection of North Parkway and Manassas.

This location is West of I-40 and is very close to South Parkway East - the part of South Parkway after you travel over I-40 going west on South Parkway. It is in the Victor Kerr neighborhood. This neighborhood was beautiful, with rolling hills, large lawns, and young kids and teenagers outside getting ice cream from a passing Ice Cream Truck. See picture below for image of neighborhood.

815 North Claybrook 38107 $4,500
This home is in the block bordered by Vollintine on the north, Bellevue on the west, Watkins on the East, and Jackson on the south. It is also in very close proximity to the part of North Parkway that meets the I-40 ramp.

This home is very close to the intersection of Airways and Lamar. It is south of Lamar, and east of Airways.

This is another home near Chelsea, and about a mile and a half from the West end of North Parkway.

This home is between Walker on the north side, and Bellevue on the south side and is on the east side of 1-40. It is very close to Elmwood Cemetery.

This home is bordered by the following main roads: Bellevue on the west, Watkins on the east, Vollintine on the north, and Jackson on the south. This is another home that is in very close proximity to North Parkway and I-40.

This home is right off of Lamar. It is near the intersection of Lamar and Airways. East of Airways, North of Lamar.

When you see boarded up homes, and that the price is so low, it naturally makes you question what kind of neighborhood it must be. In all cases, there were immaculate homes nearby, and residents coming or going in work attire. I give a lot of credit to homeowners whose view is a home in the state some of these were in, who continue to take great pride and give attention to the look and maintenance of their own home. Without exception, all the neighborhoods were quiet. The trees were mature, tall, and beautiful. All of the grass was green and bright. The *only* thing in a bad shape were some of the home's condition. I have provided some random snapshots of homes in some of the areas I visited to give an idea. Note: Pods are not cheap. So, when you see a Pod parked in the driveway of a house, no matter how bad the house looks, you know that someone is making an investment in it and has cash on hand. For that reason, the pod really caught my eye considering the house was in a state of disrepair.